
I’m Ryan, and I love working with kids. I’ve been working with children in churches for over 20 years, both as a volunteer and as a full-time minister. I’ve worked in both large and small churches, and I’ve had my share of challenges, but I’ve also had some fantastic successes. I’m excited to start this blog and share what I’ve learned with others.

In this blog, I’ll be sharing what I do to prepare for upcoming ministry events that are very common in churches. This could be the start of a new ministry year, Vacation Bible School, camp, and other things we all do each year. I’ll also be sharing about different books and podcasts I’ve been reading or listening to. I hope this blog is helpful for those who stumble across it, and that those who comment can be like “iron sharpening iron.” Check in each week and subscribe to the mailing list on the blog so you can join us on this journey.